Wiki - My Companjera — Gogol Bordello


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Gogol Bordello é uma banda multiétnica de gypsy punk formada em Nova Iorque em 1999. Tornou-se conhecida por seu som, batizado como Gipsy Punk, que mescla música cigana do leste europeu, influências folclóricas eslavas e punk rock; e por suas performances teatrais envolvendo dança e arte de rua. New Gogol Bordello album 'Seekers and Finders' released August 25th Gogol Bordello je cikánská punková kapela pocházející z New Yorku.Mezi členy je mnoho imigrantů z východní Evropy.Zvuk kapely je inspirován cikánskou hudbou, používá harmoniku, housle a kombinuje je s bicími, elektrickými kytarami a také s punkem, dubem a kabaretem. Okay so take Eastern European folk music, add a dash of polka, and blend with straight-up punk. This is something along the lines of the recipe for Gogol Bordello.

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Led by Ukrainian frontman Eugene Hutz, Gogol Bordello has exploded in popularity since their first single's release in 1999, with tours through Europe and the United States. Their music has appeared in Wristcutters: A Love Story Gogol Bordello vs. Tamir Muskat - 2004. augusztus Stinky Records. The Prester John Sessions Tommy T - 2009. a Gogol Bordello etióp bassusgitárosának, Thomas Gobenának szólólemeze, az etióp énekessel Gigivel .

Texter till Gogol Bordello - SV - Lyrics Translations

1 Membres de groupe 1.1 Membres actuels 1.2 Anciens membres 2 Discographie 2.1  Country: United States; Languages: English, Russian, Hebrew, Ukrainian; Genre: Folk, Rock, Punk; Official site:; Wiki:  The film uses archival footage and features the Gogol Bordello song “Start Wearing Purple”. This article "Red Penguins" is from Wikipedia.

Gogol bordello wiki

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Gogol bordello wiki

Yhtyeen johtohahmona toimii ukrainalaissyntyinen Eugene Hütz Gogol Bordello je multietnická rómska punková skupina, ktorá pochádza z New Yorku.Medzi členmi je mnoho imigrantov z východnej Európy.Zvuk skupiny je inšpirovaný cigánskou hudbou, používa harmoniku, husle a kombinuje ich s bicími, elektrickými gitarami ako aj s punkom, dubom a kabaretom. Gogol Bordello este o trupă multi-etnică de punk țigănesc din sud-estul New Yorkului, care a fost formată în 1999 și care este cunoscută pentru spectacolele foarte teatrale.

Gogol bordello wiki

przez pochodzącego z Ukrainy Eugene’a Hütza. Gogol Bordello est un groupe de gypsy punk américain, originaire de New York.Formé en 1999 et citant pêle-mêle Mano Negra, Fugazi, Alexandre Kalpakov, The Clash, Rootsman ou encore Jimi Hendrix comme influences, le groupe a comme particularité le mélange des styles le composant. Gogol Bordello es un grupo de gypsy punk originalmente formado en Lower East Side, Nueva York en 1999, con integrantes de distintas nacionalidades del mundo.Uno de sus rasgos más característicos son sus frenéticas presentaciones teatrales, y otro su sonido inspirado en la música gitana. «Gogol Bordello» сотрудничал с Мадонной.
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Gogol bordello wiki

It was released on July 10, 2007 by SideOneDummy Records, produced by the band and Victor Van Vugt. The album charted in several countries, including reaching #67 in the UK and #115 on the US Billboard 200. "Wonderlust King" was released as the album's only single, in August 2007 Okay so take Eastern European folk music, add a dash of polka, and blend with straight-up punk. This is something along the lines of the recipe for Gogol Bordello.. Led by Ukrainian frontman Eugene Hutz, Gogol Bordello has exploded in popularity since their first single's release in 1999, with tours through Europe and the United States.

Gogol Bordello é uma banda multiétnica de gypsy punk formada em Nova Iorque em 1999. Tornou-se conhecida por seu som, batizado como Gipsy Punk, que mescla música cigana do leste europeu, influências folclóricas eslavas e punk rock; e por suas performances teatrais envolvendo dança e arte de rua. New Gogol Bordello album 'Seekers and Finders' released August 25th Gogol Bordello je cikánská punková kapela pocházející z New Yorku.Mezi členy je mnoho imigrantů z východní Evropy.Zvuk kapely je inspirován cikánskou hudbou, používá harmoniku, housle a kombinuje je s bicími, elektrickými kytarami a také s punkem, dubem a kabaretem.
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Ajude a inserir referências. Gogol Bordello är ett band från Lower East Side på Manhattan i New York som spelar zigenar punk. Flera av medlemmarna är östeuropeiska invandrare. Bandet grundades 1999, och de släppte sin första singel 1999. Sen dess har fyra fullängdsalbum och en EP kommit ut.