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com, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. IMPORTANT: The CMU-SV campus is currently closed except for 11:19:42
CMUnow CMU's official hub General Disability Information is a national employment and social networking portal connecting job seekers with Mission. Educational Access Services (EAS) recognizes disability as an aspect of diversity and an integral part of society. We collaborate with students, faculty, staff, and community members to create an accessible higher education community. CentralLink is CMU’s web-based information portal which puts CMU at your fingertips! Students are able to access the items below via one log-in. The Office of Disability Resources is passionate about providing vibrant and accessible resources on disability issues for all members of the CMU community.
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Help them find where they belong – as an Eagle at CMU! Refer a student CMU is moving to a new home on the Internet! You can find us at You will be automatically redirected in 4 seconds 4 seconds CMU Account One account for all Services Sign in to continue to "". Forgot password?
blyertspennor med stift som vrids eller trycks fram — Engelska
The documentation includes a large number of records created by the University and the University’s leadership, such as the minutes of the CMU Board of Trustees and the various Bulletins published annually that describe programs and classes offered at CMU. Student Disability Services (SDS) continues to hold meetings virtually with in-person appointments available on a limited basis Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.
Central Michigan University would like to thank you for your service to our nation. As you consider your future, CMU is here to help you successfully pursue your educational endeavors. Whether you are actively serving in the military, or you are in the reserves, a veteran, or a military family member, we are very proud that you are considering
The JEREMY Project is a program for those individuals aged 16-24 to learn skills needed to succeed in their adult life. The program is in remembrance of Jeremy, a Dauphin County individual who passed away at the young age of 22 from cancer. Central Michigan University History Documentation about the history of CMU is found here. The documentation includes a large number of records created by the University and the University’s leadership, such as the minutes of the CMU Board of Trustees and the various Bulletins published annually that describe programs and classes offered at CMU.
Student Disability Services (SDS) continues to hold meetings virtually with in-person appointments available on a limited basis Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.
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The portal provides a snapshot of the data globally available on people with disabilities as well as highlighting gaps in the CMU ITSC Services portal.
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