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Definition of dotard : a person in his or her dotage Examples of dotard in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Gary Chryst, the most admired artist of the Joffrey Ballet of yore appearing with Ballet Theater as a guest, makes Dodon a rivetingly doting dotard. noun a person exhibiting a decline in mental faculties, especially as a result of aging. doater 2. According to the AP, “dotard is a translation of a Korean word, ‘neukdari,’ which is a derogatory reference to an old person.” Sometimes, it is translated into the neutral “old people” or omitted, Kim Jong Un's use of the arcane word "dotard" as a slam against President Donald Trump had many scrambling for a dictionary in search of its meaning and pron dotard A cross species between on Orangutan and an Oompa Loompa. The Dotard is usually bred in captivity by wealthy families that wish to pass on their inheritance without having to raise an actual human. There are many similarities to a human, but you can usually tell the difference by their unique orange skin and hair.

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The word dates back to the 1300s, derived from the verb dote, an even older word meaning suffering from senility, and the suffix -ard, which is an intensifier. Today, the verb dote has taken on a different meaning, which is to be overly fond of someone. 1. Dotard. So Kim Jong-un called Donald Trump a dotard. What is that, exactly? The term goes back to the 1300s, and means someone who's in his or her dotage — which, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is "a state or period of senile decay marked by decline of mental poise and alertness." The Oxford English Dictionary defines a dotard as "a person whose mental faculties are impaired, specifically, a person whose intellect or understanding is impaired in old age".

"Dopträd i Brännkyrka kyrka" av Jörgen Bothén - Mostphotos

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Mariakyrkans dopträd är under tillverkning och k… – Boden


noun a person exhibiting a decline in mental faculties, especially as a result of aging. doater 2.


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6 frågor till Cecilia Cardona Castro, prästkandidaten som har skrivit en kandidatuppsats om dopträdet som  Instiftar ny tradition: Dopträd.

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28:08  But it was Kim’s use of the term “dotard,” that has set the internet alight. While not widely used today, the insult is centuries old, appearing in medieval literature from the ninth century. Definition of dotard : a person in his or her dotage Examples of dotard in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Gary Chryst, the most admired artist of the Joffrey Ballet of yore appearing with Ballet Theater as a guest, makes Dodon a rivetingly doting dotard.