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Spine, Society, Spinal. SSE. A visual examination of the vagina and cervix done during labor to determine if there is any amniotic fluid in the vault. The test is performed to identify the presence of premature rupture of membranes. A speculum, rather than a gloved hand, is inserted into the vaginal introitus and the cervix is identified. Abbreviation Meaning ***** SSE: Soap Suds Enema Common Medical Physiology *** SSE: Space Support Equipment Aerospace engineering Astronautics Space Spaceflight * SSE: Sum of Squares due to Error * SSE: Sun Sensor Electronics * SSE: Solar System Exploration NASA * SSE: Sime Sembcorp Engineering Sdn Bhd * SSE: Soapsuds Enema Skin And Dermal * SSE: Safe Shutdown Event * SSE: Safe Storage Enclosure * SSE Medical SSE abbreviation meaning defined here. What does SSE stand for in Medical? Get the top SSE abbreviation related to Medical.

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