Reddit stängde ned sina värsta hatforum – och det fungerade


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något sätt populära "FatPeopleHate") för trakasserande beteende och införde Vissa Reddit-användare har sedan gått till andra samhällen, inklusive Voat,  och beklagliga underreddits, inklusive r / coontown och r / fatpeoplehate. slurs hos CT bara flyttat över till Gab eller Voat, där deras beteende är stolt främjas. Swiss-based Voat, started in April 2014, allows users the kind of unfettered, uncensored posting freedom Reddit had before it decided, as Forbes' Emma Woollacott put it, that homophobia, racism and Voat was founded in 2014 and hosted Reddit-like forums with minimal moderation. It grew rapidly after Reddit added an anti-harassment policy and banned five subreddits that it said violated the The Voat user cited a 1969 First Amendment Supreme Court case involving a Ku Klux Klan leader who gave a televised speech targeting certain races, arguing that the court ruled a threat needs to be Chastain founded Voat in 2014 as a Reddit knockoff focused on “free speech,” but was in fact a refuge for toxic and hateful communities that couldn’t exist on Reddit, including v/FatPeopleHate and Word got out quickly that newly-banned harassing subreddits like r/fatpeoplehate had been duplicated on Voat. Within hours, other mirror sites either appeared or spiked in popularity on Voat. Voat was founded in 2014 as a Reddit knockoff focused on “free speech,” but was in fact a refuge for toxic and hateful communities that couldn’t exist on Reddit, including v/FatPeopleHate Voat had some early noble goals, mostly surrounding the idea of free speech.

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This community has been removed from Reddit but has now reemerged on 2015-06-10 · The only banned subreddit with more than 5,000 subscribers is r/fatpeoplehate [2] . To report a subreddit for harassment, please email us at [3] or send a modmail [4] . We are continuing to add to our team to manage community issues, and we are making incremental changes over time., som i både utseende och upplägg är en direkt kopia av Reddit, startades i april 2014 av två schweizistiska studenter.

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Image: Voat logo. Three years ago, a website was created as a refuge for the communities deemed too Far-Right Reddit Clone Voat Has Shut Down, for Real This Time. Jody Serrano.

Fatpeoplehate voat

Reddit har blivit trevligare efter borttagning av hatsidor. Enligt

Fatpeoplehate voat

Within hours, other mirror sites either appeared or spiked in popularity on Voat.

Fatpeoplehate voat

For the next 48 hours, Voat servers went down due to the large influx of new users. The bottom line: On Voat, sticky issues like "social justice" won't interfere with the inalienable right to be, as one user puts it, "serious, serious d***s." But those who have left Reddit in the wake of the FatPeopleHate ban will have to wait at least a bit longer until they can congregate at a new site. 2017-05-18 Voat Inc / ˈ v oʊ t / was an American alt-tech news aggregator and social networking service where registered community members could submit content such as text posts and direct links. Registered users could then vote on these submissions.
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Home. All. Voat has already filled up with subverses—the equivalent of subreddits—devoted to topics that have lost homes on Reddit, from the restoration of fatpeoplehate to forums for the violent sexist The remaining subscriber from Fatpeoplehate already claim that they have been targeted for their opinions and not for their behaviour. They also claim that they never brigaded or harassed anyone outside their subreddit.

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Dananddog The most popular of these was the controversial subreddit /r/fatpeoplehate, a place for users to poke fun at overweight individuals, or rather overweight people as a whole.